Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bakersfield - Cattle Egret - 12/23/11

cr-White Ln - Cattle Egret, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

I actually found this bird in town near the Starbucks at White Ln and Stine Rd. At first I thought it was a youngGreat Egret, but judging by the buff colored patches on its body and crown, yellow bill and dark legs, turns out it is a Cattle Egret. I barely had to do any driving to find one of these (and it's the first photo of a Cattle Egret that I have gotten).


Anonymous said...

Was interested in pictures of these since there is an egret on CSUB campus right now. Its been here with the family of ducks we have had for months (total of 13 or 15 ducks). Don't know exactly which type it is since I haven't gotten too close.

Kimberly Perkins said...

The most common egrets around here are the Great Egret (has a yellow bill and black legs and is quite large), the Snowy Egret (is smaller, has a black bill and black legs with yellow feet) and the Cattle Egret (pictured here). Hope that helps a bit :)