Tuesday, November 13, 2012

American Kestrel - 11/10/12

cr_HP - American Kestrel) (1), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This American Kestrel loves the tree tops in Hart Park. The American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America. This is a male. The females lack the grey coloring on their wings.

Photo taken at Hart Park in Bakersfield, CA.

Great Blue Heron - 11/10/12

cr_HP _Great Blue Heron (3), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Great Blue Herons are quite statuesque, with their long necks and legs. This guy was hanging around Hart Park, probably hunting around for a nice juicy frog for dinner.

Western Bluebird - 11/10/12

cr_TC _Western Bluebird, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Flocks of Western Bluebird were present at the campgound. Unfortunately, the weather was not very cooperative, so the lighting wasn't the best. But you can see that this guy is quite the handsome bird.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Phainopepla - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Phainopepla (26), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This female Phainopepla (the male is black) tries to warm up in the sun... that white spot on the photo is not a dust speck - it is a snowflake. It was cold, windy and snowy on this day. Poor bird was probably freezing her feathers off!

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

California Thrasher - 11/10/12

cr_TC - California Thrasher (6), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

California Thrasher - 11/10/12

cr_TC - California Thrasher (8), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Peek a boo - I see you. The California Thrasher prefers to stay hidden in bushes, so you don't always see them....but they see you!

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

California Thrasher - 11/10/12

The California Thrasher has quite the beak...and is a beautiful singer. Like their distant cousin the mockingbird, they are excellent mimics.

If you look closely, you can see some streaks in the photo. It was snowing pretty good in Wofford Heights on this day, and the camera caught some of the falling snow too.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Bewick's Wren - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Bewick's Wren, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

I was taking pictures of the California Thrasher, when this little guy literally plopped down on a branch right in front of me, giving me just the right amount of time to get 1 picture of him before he flew off. Luckily, the picture was in focus - lol.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Oak Titmouse - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Oak Titmouse, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Oak Titmouse - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Oak Titmouse (16), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

I just love the Oak Titmouse. They are quite the little chatterboxes, and oh so cute too.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Anna's Hummingbird - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Anna's Hummingbird (7), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This little guy was busy defending his flowers from other hummingbirds - they are small, but very territorial. Especially when it comes to their dining rooms - lol.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Acorn Woodpecker - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Acorn Woodpecker, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Acorn Woodpecker - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Acorn Woodpecker (2), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This Acorn Woodpecker is hanging out on, what appears to be, a popular spot for woodpeckers.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA

Dark Eyed Junco - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Dark Eyed Junco (2), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This Dark Eyed Junco searches the ground for some lunch.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet - 11/10/12

cr_TC _Ruby Crowned Kinglet, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

The Ruby Crowned Kinglet, showing off how he got his name.

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA.

Ross's Goose and Canada Goose - 11/10/12

cr_kiscove_snowgoose, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

A rare winter visitor to the Kern River Valley, the Ross's Goose, and his buddy, the Canada Goose. These 2 seemed to be good pals.

Photo taken at Kissack Cove in Mountain Mesa, CA.

Bushtit - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Bushtit (3), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

These little birds usually hang around in groups, chattering nosily as they quickly move from place to place. They seem to never sit still (which is why they are rather difficult, to me at least, to photograph).

Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA.

Bushtit - 11/10/12

cr_TC - Bushtit (9), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Cute bird with a funny name =) Photo taken at Tillie Creek Campground in Wofford Heights, CA.