Friday, June 11, 2010

Muley Point

Muley Point (3), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

Muley Point is a scenic overlook located in Utah, near the beginning of Moki Dugway off of Rte 261. It can be reached at the end of a 5-mile dirt road. From this viewpoint, you can see the San Juan RIver where it cuts into the canyon below. You can see Monument Valley in the distance.

Moki Dugway is a steep, dirt road that winds its way down the mountain. This road eventually leads to the town of Mexican Hat, Utah. The speed limit is 5 mph, and for good reason. The road is dirt, so it is kind of rough, and it is steep....a 10% grade that descends 1100 feet in 3 miles. RV's are not recommended on this road as the switchbacks have sharp turns and the road is rather narrow. Despite the rough going (and the tailgating car behind me), I found this road to be a lot less scary than I initially thought it would be. It was actually pretty cool....and what a view!

Links to Check Out:
Muley Point
Moki Dugway

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