Monday, April 20, 2009

Carrizo Plain Ntl Monument - April 12, 2009

Padrone Canyon Road - Desert Dandelions

I visited Carrizo Plain again on April 12, 2009. It was a bright and sunny day...perfect photo weather :)

Padrone Canyon Road was a great find.Goldfields and Dandelions carpeted the ground, and further up the road, fields of Thistle Sage and a type of wild onion (?) could be found as well. The vast fields of color were almost gone on Soda Lake Road, but the roads leading to the hills were full of color.

Beware though: Rattlesnakes are out. I heard the unmistakable sound of a rattle in the bushes as I was on Padrone Canyon Road. Also beware of the mud! I got stuck in the mud on an unmarked dirt road and had to have a tow truck come pull me out. Talk about embarassing! Thank goodness for OnStar and Roadside Assistance!!!

I still had a nice day...despite the bad luck with the mud - lol.

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